Island activities:
CROATIA, 9A. Gert, OE3ZK will be QRV as 9A/OE3ZK from Korcula Island, IOTA EU-016, from July 21 to 30. Activity will be on all bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. He will be active on the IOTA frequencies. QSL to home call.
EAST MALAYSIA, 9M6. Brett, VR2BG is QRV as 9M6BG until July 28. He hopes to be active during the IOTA contest. Activity has been on 40 and 20 meters using CW. QSL to home call.
MADEIRA ISLANDS, CT3. A group of operators will be QRV as CR3D and CR3R from Chao Islet, Desertas Islands, IOTA AF-046, from July 24 to 26. Activity will be on all HF and VHF bands using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via operators' instructions.
BALEARIC ISLANDS, EA6. Pista, HA5GY is QRV as EA6/HA5GY until July 20. He is active using QRP power on the HF bands. QSL to home call.
THAILAND, HS. Don, HS0ZEE has been active on 20 meters CW daily around 1400z. QSL to home call.
SARDINIA, IS0. A group of operators will be QRV as IM0M from Asinara Island, IOTA EU-165, from July 22 to 26. Activity will be on all HF and V/UHF bands and modes. This includes an entry in the upcoming IOTA contest. QSL via operators' instructions.
MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1. Masa, JD1BMM is QRV from here until July 22. He is generally active on 20 and 17 meters using CW and various digital modes, but has been active on 6 meters as well. QSL via bureau.
SVALBARD, JW. Robert, LA9QNA is QRV as JW9QNA from Longyearbyen, IOTA EU-026, until July 22. This includes entries in the North American RTTY QSO Party and the CQ World Wide VHF Contest. QSL to home call.
DENMARK, OZ. Harry, PA1H and Nico, PA8PA will be QRV as OZ/home call from Lango Island, IOTA EU-172, from July 25 to August 1. Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters, and possibly the VHF bands, using SSB and digital modes. This includes an entry in the upcoming IOTA contest. QSL to home calls.
GREECE, SV. Laci, HA0NAR will be QRV as SX8R from Thassos Island, IOTA EU-174, from July 22 to 31. This includes an entry in the upcoming IOTA contest. Activity will be on 80 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL to home call.
CORSICA, TK. Lee, F5MUX is QRV as TK5UX until July 26. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using mostly CW but with some RTTY as well. QSL to home call.
BELIZE, V3. Terry, W6WTG and Sharon, N2OWL will be QRV as V31UR from Caye Caulker, IOTA NA-073, from July 21 to 29. This includes being an entry in the upcoming IOTA contest. QSL via W6UR.
NORFOLK ISLAND, VK9N. Member of the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia will be QRV as VK9NI from July 22 to 29. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY with five stations running simultaneously. This includes an entry in the upcoming IOTA contest. QSL via W3HNK.
MONTSERRAT, VP2M. Bill, W5SJ is QRV as VP2MSJ until July 21. Activity is on al bands, including 60 and 30 meters. This includes an entry in the CQ World Wide VHF Contest. QSL via W5JAY.
MEXICO, XE. In celebration of the 12th anniversary of the Radio Club Queretaro, special event station 4C12SG is QRV until July 27 from the ''Sierra Gorda Queretana'' at the Sotano del Barro, one of the world's lowest locations. Activity is on al HF bands and possibly 6 meters. QSL via XE1RCQ.
INDONESIA, YB. Hotang, YC0IEM/9 is QRV from Bali, IOTA OC-022, until July 27. QSL via IZ8CCW.
For more info on the IOTA
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