EU-047. Andy, DL7AT, will be active as DL7AT/M from Norderney Island (N-05 for the German Islands award), July 17-24th. He will also activate the Norderney lighthouse (ARLHS FED-025, GLHA #39, WLH DL-021, WLOTA 1621). QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.
EU-090. A group of Slovenian operators will be active as 9A8ZRS from Vela Palagruza Island (ACIA IC-901, CIA-33, IOCA CI-084, MIA MC-284, ARLHS CRO-012, CLH-100, WHL 9A-046, WLOTA 0057) between July 20-31st. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10/6/2 meters using CW, SSB, PSK-31 and possibly other digital modes.
Their operations will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). Operators mentioned are: Jane/S57L, Goran/S52P, Vinko/S53F, Brane/S56UGB and Silvo/S50X. QSL via the operator's instructions.
EU-121. Members of the Dalkey Island Contest Group plan to activate Clare Island for the upcoming RSGB IOTA Contest which takes place on July 25-26th. The callsign EJ1DD will be used in a"100 watt DXpedition" entry. QSL information is via EI7CC. Operators will be EI2CA, EI5DI, EI6EW, EI7CC, EI7CD, EI8BP and EI8CE. Look for activity also from the individual operators using the EJ prefix between July 23-27th
EU-135. Anders, SM5EFX, will be active as SM5EFX/2 from Ledskar Island, July 19-31st. Activity will be on all HF bands/modes. He will also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) using the special callsign SF2X. QSL both callsigns to SM5EFX, direct or by the bureau.
EU-146. Operators Frans/PA5CA, Jan/PA0JED, Arend/PA2AWU, Dervin/PD9DX and Marcel/PA9M will be active as PA6Z from Schouwen Duiveland during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) as a Multi-Op/ Single-Transmitter entry. QSL via PA9M, direct or by the bureau.
EU-165. Joe, IS0MKX, will lead a team of 15 operators to activate Asinara Island (SS-061, for Italian Island Award) between July 22-26th. Activity will include the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). The callsign will be IM0M. QSL via IS0MKX. For more info, please visit:
EU-175. Operators Luis/CT1EEQ, Arlindo/CT1EGW, Hermann/CT3FN/HB9CRV, Antonio/CU8AS, Jurgen/DJ2VO and Ruedi/HB9CQL will be active as CR2F from the Island of Faial (DIP AZ-007) between July 18-31st. Activity will be from the Ribeirinha Lighthouse (DFP FAZ-17, ARLHS AZO-020, WLH CU-007, WLOTA 1830, WW Loc. HM58QO),
located at Cedros.
They plan to be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. They plan to be active around 50.113 MHz with CR2W as callsign. The team will also participate in the RSGB
IOTA Contest (July 25-26th), using the callsign CR2W as a
Multi-Single/Expedition entry. QSL via CT1GFK, bureau OK; via E-mail requests to: cu8at@sapo.pt .
For more information, please visit:
Online logs will be available at:
NA-140. Operators Steve/W3RFA and Bob/KB3NYX will be active as W3RFA from Smith Island (USI MD-003S, Somerset County, Maryland) for the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). This is a "Micro-DXpedition". They are getting to the island by sea kayak. All gear will weigh less than 100 lbs ea. They will use 100 watts into a wire antenna. QSL via their home callsigns.
SA-047. Operators Alexandre/PY5BH, Vagner/PY5DC, Fleck/PY5DJ, Fernando/ PY5FO and Goncalves/PY5IN will be active as PR5D from Ilha do Mel (DIB PR-01, also count for WLOTA LH-1435) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QSL via PY5DC. Visit their Web site at:
Compiled by OPDX
There will be more Updates soon about the IOTA
1 comment:
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article
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