23 Jul 2008


It's Tuesday night and 80metres is Dead quite, I actually had to check if I had the right antenna in the radio and not the 2 meter beam plugged into the HF rig which can happen so had a look, yep all seemed to be ok, I just couldn't understand why the band was so quite has Amateur Radio turned into a weekend thing???
Anyway I continued tuning around the band that was up until two hours ago.
I was lucky enough to have a really nice QSO with G4BUW Kevin in Alton, Hampshire in the UK.

Our conversation went in many directions but one thing that stood out was Radio's in general, what is the story with the Amateur radio community these days have they forgotten about Radios from the past. I find on-air its almost snobbery in away because people rave on about their FT9000 and their IC7800, rigs that has it all and I have to laugh when they mention their antenna which turns out to be a dummy load.
Have people forgotten the fact that some Amateurs use FT101ZD's and the likes can do just as good of a job if not better than some of these big stations today.

I remember years back an old CB friend John - 29Delta-Echo101(RIP) with a FT101ZD and never in my life have I yet to hear the sweetness of sound from a radios nowadays as I've heard from them older big valve rigs. What is it about them radios that there is such a romance about them its like Vinyl records compared to Cd's, yes I know CD might have this many KHz of sound that is supposed to be better but a record just sounds more real and warmer you know what I mean.

I had this discussion with many Amateur radio enthusiasts and I know the side of the argument that these rigs have better this and better that but at the end of the day it is all about communication such as exchange Call sign, Report and "HAVE A CHAT" which most Amateurs forget to do anymore it seems to me it is 59 report 73's QRZ, another one in the log. Slow down people its not a race.

To continue my experiments on 80 meters to my surprise was a QRP station using 3 watts - M3XUH -GLYN for 3 watts I admired his optimism on amateur radio, Glyn has been licenced one month and is really enjoying the Hobby as we talked it made me think of a question I have answered to many discussions on air that is:

Is Ham Radio Still Dying?

I have been away from Hamming now and then so to make sure I'm on the right side of the argument I have been wondering if Ham Radio is still dying?

I feel like Amateur Radio is "WHAT WE EACH - MAKE OF IT"
I think the hobby is fine, some will agree, some wont. Yes, it is a matter of perspective...if you are expecting ham radio to be the saviour of yesteryear, you will be disappointed. If you simply want to have fun, enjoy your time playing with radios and not freak out about things out of your control...you will find ham radio just as you left it, but with more up to date toys. To me, its just fine and I just don't have any reason to believe otherwise...Ive been a ham for 10 years and the only negativity Ive seen has been a few old geezers on 80 meters ssb, and 20m ssb giving out about practices of new operators but I think the biggest violator of negativity in ham radio is right here online. Fortunately, the Internet is NOT ham radio.

Yes, there is a shifting of focus among the Amateur Radio community but, I don't feel the cold hand of death just yet. I've tried to change with the times and the technology and find it challenging and rewarding. There are so many hobbies within this great hobby that I can't imagine why anyone would complain. There's always been something for everyone and I believe there always will be. So, jump in again full steam ahead and enjoy is what I say to any amateurs on and off the air.
I hope this answers the Question to people who have ran out of new stations to talk to.




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