Really enjoyed entering the UKAC 6 Meters contest out portable tonight under M0XII/P.
Weather conditions were very cold and wet up at IO91MP but I setup camp inside the car so I could stay somewhat dry. I finished up the contest with a claimed score of 89 QSO's and 13 Square multipliers giving me a total of 122,070 at about 106 points per QSO.
It was difficult going especially towards the North, when trying to work stations up in Scotland (GM/MM) from IO91MP Square, I could barely work/hear them, very deep QSB and generally flat conditions on the band I was quiet surprised to hear the results through the Yaesu FT847 with a 100 watts into a 5 Element could actually achieve with regards to ground wave propagation on 6 Meters. My best DX during the contest was Richard GD8EXI in the Isle of Man at a distance of 371km. Again thank you to all who gave away points during the contest and I do look forward to working you again in the next UKAC contest.
The rig I used was a Yaesu FT847 using a 100 watts on peak.

The antenna was a 5 Element homebrew antenna.

Look forward to catching you on the air next time and best 73's.