Theory Examination
The next Theory Examination for the Experimenters
licence will be held on Tuesday the 30th of June at
2p.m. in the ComReg Offices in Dublin and in
Carrigtwohill Co. Cork.
An exam could be held at another centre at the same
time and date should the numbers warrant it. Places for
the examination will be allocated on a first come first
served basis and will only be reserved on receipt of
the examination fee.
Intending candidates should forward the appropriate fee
to Sean Nolan EI7CD, 12 Little Meadow, Pottery
Road,Dunlaoghaire, Co. Dublin in order to reserve a
place for the exam. The fee is 50 Euro or 25 Euro for
full-time registered students, repeat candidates and
those who are retired, unemployed or have a disability.
Cheques and Money Orders should be made payable to the
IRTS. When forwarding the exam fee intending candidates
should enclose their postal address as well as phone
and e-mail contact details.
The closing date for applications to sit the
examination, which will be strictly enforced, is Monday
the 15th of June. Intending candidates should note that
anyone who fails to produce a photo identity on day of
the examination would not be allowed to sit the
The photo ID can be a driving licence, a passport, an
employment photo identity card or a student card
containing a photograph. A national Gardai photo ID
would also be acceptable. Sean EI7CD’s address can also
be found in the IRTS call book or in the call book
section of the IRTS website at www.irts.ie
Sean's e-mail address for any further enquiries
is"ei7cd at gofree dot indigo dot ie" Also available on
the 'Where Do I Start' section of the IRTS website are
Examination Notes with a sample examination paper as
well as a link to the ComReg's Experimenter Pages which
contain some very useful data under Licensing
Also in the Radio Theory Links section on the website
is some very useful information for those studying for
the examination.
The examination consists of a question paper of
60multiple-choice questions divided into three main
sections A, B and C and the time allowed is two hours.
The pass mark is 60% and a pass is required in each of
the three main sections of the paper. We wish all
intending candidates the best of luck in the
Lifetime Licences
We understand that letters in relation to the lifetime
licence are being issued to licensees by ComReg. The
lifetime licence will be an Amateur Radio Licence and
will be valid for the lifetime of the licensee.
Current licences which have a renewal date on or after
1 June of this year will receive a lifetime licence on
payment of a once off fee of €30 on receipt of an
invoice. Licences with a renewal date before 1 June
must be renewed under the existing process by payment
of the €10 fee on receipt of the usual invoice. These
licensees will become eligible for a lifetime licence
at the renewal date in 2010.
All new licences will be subject to a once off fee of
€100 with a reduction to €30 for those who are 65 years
or over on the date of application and for those in
receipt of a disability pension.
Licensees need not take any action on foot of these
letters until an invoice, which should be paid within
the normal time limit, is received from ComReg.

The IRTS news Bulletin is transmitted each Sunday
evening from County Mayo, on four frequencies
simultaneously. Listeners can tune it at 8.00pm local
time to the Mayo 2mt repeater on 145.600. The
broadcast is also available on the following simplex
frequencies: 51.450 FM on the 6mt. band, 70.375 FM on
the four mt. band and on 433.450 on the 70cms. band.
Call-ins are handled on a band by band basis at the
end of the news bulletin.
The newsreaders are John, EI7IQ, Padraic EI9JA and
Jimmy Ei2GCB. The technical manager for the project is
Dominic, EI9JS.
500 kHz Permissions
In the Radio News on 19th and 26th April we sought
expressions of interest in a limited number of
permissions to operate in the region of 500 kHz under a
licence to be issued to IRTS.
The expressions of interest which we have received
together with and application by IRTS for the necessary
licence have been submitted to ComReg. We would hope to
have a decision on this matter in the near future.
Some form of access to frequencies around 500 kHz has
been granted to amateur stations in the UK, USA,
Canada, Germany, Sweden, Belgium and the Czech
Republic. With the exception of Belgium all of the
other administrations have issued a limited number of
licences. We have sought the frequency band 501 to 504
kHz with a power of 10 dBW ERP (10 Watts0 which is the
same as is available in the UK.
IARU Societies worldwide are seeking some access to 500
kHz in support of Agenda item 1.23 on the provisional
agenda for WRC-11 which is to consider an allocation of
bout 15 kHz in parts of the band 415-526.5 kHz to the
Amateur service on a secondary basis, taking into
account the need to protect existing services.
Brendan Nutley EI1429 has uploaded a great selection of
photos from our recent AGM. These photos can be viewed
on Brendan’s site which is www.mayoprintlab.com
Thanks to the IRTS for all the Information above .
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