Bodo, DL3OCH, who was recently active as KT3Q/4 from Key Biscayne Island [NA-141] in December, will be working from here between March 5th and July 24th.
Activity will be on all HF bands (160-10 meters) plus some operations on EME.
His expected callsign will probably be 5N/KT3Q.
There is mention that he may also activate the Bayelsa / Rivers / Akwa Ibom etc States IOTA Group (AF-076).
IK4ALM, will be active as 6W/IK4ALM from Saly, Senegal between March 29th and April 9th.
Activity on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB with 100 watts into a ground plane.
QSL via home callsign.
BP0A - Penghu Island, AS-103

BM2AAV, BM2APH, BU2AT, BV2DD, BV2KI, BV2NT & BX4AF will be QRV between March 27 - 30 - all bands - as BP0A (Penghu Isl - AS103)
Ellice Island, NA-192
VE8EV, VE8DW & VE8GER will be QRV from Ellice Island (NA-192) between March 20 - 23 as VX8X.
Activity mostly SSB on 40, 20 and 15m.
QSL details will appear on QRZ.com
Thanks to Dx World for the information: http://dx-hamspirit.com/
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