The doors open at 11.00 am and the radio rally turned out to be a massive success.
When speaking to the rally organiser Padraic Baynes EI9JA he mentioned of "the trojan work given by the members of the Mayo Radio Club". Two days before the event the Mayo Radio Club learned that the rally would not be taking place in the Belmont Hotel, Knock, Co. Mayo. Swift action was undertaken by the radio club and within hours every commercial radio station and media outlet in Ireland carried details of the new venue the Welcome Inn Hotel Castlebar. It has to be acknowledged that without the unstinting help and support of a member of the radio club, Adrian Healy the rally may not have taken place this year. I understand that despite all the problems the attendance at the rally had increased on previous years.
I'm looking forward to 2009 rally in Mayo, it was unfortunate that I missed the rally this year as I get to meet new radio friends face to face, even meet many of my old radio friends. I also get the opportunity to thrash out ideas upon antennas, new rigs & technology to other interesting things like DX conditions new methods on operating on-air and all other aspects of broadcasting.
Below are some photos provided by Padraic EI9JA from the rally taken during the day. Were you there can you see yourself???

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