30 Jun 2021

MM8C & GM3RCV – Monach Isles, EU-111

I am delighted to announce that I will be active alongside G0FDZ Chris, G0VJG Nobby, G2NF Tony and M0SDV Jamie from Ceann Ear on the Monach Islands EU111 July 22-27, 2021. 

We will be QRV as MM8C for the IOTA contest. Outside the contest, we will be active as GM3RCV on CW, SSB. 

QSL's via LoTW, Club Log OQRS.

24 Jun 2021

EI2DKH Transatlantic Beacon Update

Tony EI8JK, keeper of the EI2DKH 2 metre transatlantic beacon located at Kilcrohane on the Sheep’s Head Peninsula in West Cork has announced that on advice received, the Q65 sub-mode has been changed from A to C, as sub-mode C is reported to be more sensitive for 144MHz. Also following advice, the listening frequency has been changed from 144.120 to 144.178 MHz to avoid conflict with EME operators. All the latest information on the beacon is always posted on the EI2DKH QRZ.com page.