28 Feb 2009
New Amateur Radio Satellite PowerPoint
A Power Point presentation on the SumbandilaSat amateur radio satellite due to be launched in the next few weeks is now available.
David M0MRF posted this information on the AMSAT Bulletin Board:
A power point presentation on this soon to be launched South African satellite can be downloaded from
The presentation is by Dr Gert-Jan van Rooyen, ZS1GVR and is dated 22nd Feb 2009.
The 80kg satellite includes an AO-51 type VHF up and UHF down repeater as a secondary payload.
Launch may be as early as the end of March.
SumbandilaSat 'to launch in March'
SumbandilaSat South Africa's Second Satellite
IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination page
AMSAT Bulletin Board AMSAT-BB
23 Feb 2009
NASA defers setting next Shuttle launch date

During a thorough review of space shuttle Discovery's readiness for flight, NASA managers decided Friday that more data and possible testing are required before launching the STS-119 mission to the International Space Station.
Engineering teams have been working to identify what caused damage to a flow control valve on shuttle Endeavour during its November 2008 flight.
"We need to complete more work to have a better understanding before flying," said Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations at NASA Headquarters in Washington who chaired Friday's Flight Readiness Review. "We were not driven by schedule pressure and did the right thing. When we fly, we want to do so with full confidence."
The shuttle has three flow control valves that channel gaseous hydrogen from the main engines to the external fuel tank. Teams also have tried to determine the consequences if a valve piece were to break off and strike part of the shuttle and external fuel tank.
The Space Shuttle Program has been asked to develop a plan to inspect additional valves similar to those installed on Discovery. This plan will be reviewed during a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 25. Afterward, the program may consider setting a new target launch date.
UPDATE 23/02/09
The big DX news over the past week has been the
Desecheo Island operation, call sign K5D. As the 3rd
most needed DXCC entity for Europeans, Desecheo has
been much sought after. At the time of writing, K5D has
more than 60,000 QSOs in the log, including many EI
stations. EIs have been logged on all bands from 15
metres to top band. The DXpedition continues for
another few days.
Logs have been uploaded and can be checked at
www.logsearch.de follow the link to the K5D log.
Radio Rallies
Rallies during March include the Radio Hobbies and
Electronics Fair in the Limerick Radisson SAS Hotel on
Sunday 8th March, The Lagan Valley Amateur Radio
Society Rally in Hillsborough, Co. Down on Saturday
14th March and the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Rally
in Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh on Sunday 29th March.
The big event in April is the IRTS AGM Weekend, on
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April. This takes place
in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. Weekend events
include the IRTS Annual Dinner, a Radio Rally and the
IRTS Annual General Meeting.
More details of these events are also available on the IRTS web site
at www.irts.ie/rallies
A very constructive meeting took place between representatives of ComReg and IRTS
on Thursday, 12 February. The Society was represented
by Paul EI2CA, Seán EI4GK and Seán EI7CD.The meeting
covered the following wide range of issues.
Lifetime Licences
The necessary revisions to the Regulations to give
effect to lifetime licences have been completed and the
target commencement date is 20 April next. Renewals
after that date will be invoiced with the €30 lifetime
licence fee and a lifetime licence will be issued. New
applicants after that date,including those who have let
their call signs lapse, will pay a fee of €100
Consideration is being given to accepting renewal
applications under the existing arrangements up to a
date in the relatively near future. This would also
allow those who have lost their original call signs a
once off opportunity to apply for their re-instatement.
If this is agreed, we will bring you the details as
soon as we can.
5 MHz
The present permits will expire on the expiry date of
the associated licence and an application will be
required for continuance.
This can take the form of a letter sent to ComReg at
the time of the payment of the licence fee. An
application on the appropriate ComReg form will only be
required where a variation in the terms of the original
permit is being sought.
Additional Power
No general increase in power levels is to be granted
for the present.
It was agreed that the Society would make an
application for a general increase in power for the
duration of a list of specified International Contests.
For special event stations or for particular
experiments it is proposed that above a certain power
threshold (which has yet to be defined by ComReg) then
the Test and Trial licence provisions will apply.
Maritime Mobile
Any operation on water requires an application to
If it is clear from the application that operation
will be on a river or lake and the maritime mobile
would not be appropriate then the permission will be
for /M and not /MM.
Application for all of the recognised bands at present
power levels may be made. The actual bands and power
level granted will depend on consultation, where
considered necessary, with the Department of Transport
which is responsible for maritime safety.
It is accepted that IRTS has a role in representing the
views of experimenters and due weight will be given to
its view. A formal meeting will be held at least once a
year between ComReg and IRTS. Other meetings can be
held if necessary.
Agreed that IRTS review existing ComReg published
documentation in the light of the necessity to revise
some of this in the context of lifelong licences.
500 kHz
The general position of ComReg is that it will consider
the allocation of spectrum around 500 kHz on the basis
of a common European position.
However, in the light of developments internationally
on 500 kHz, it was agreed that a limited number of
permissions would be granted here.
This will be achieved by a Test and Trial licence
issued to IRTS under which a limited number of
experimenters, both members and non-members of IRTS,
would be granted permission to operate on 500 kHz.
The detailed arrangements have to be worked out and we
will keep you informed of developments.
7 and 10 MHz
The segment 7100 to 7200 kHz will be upgraded to
‘amateur primary’ with effect from 29 March next.
Also at that time the modes on 10 MHz will be revised
to permit modes with bandwidths of less than 500 Hz to
be used above 10140 kHz.
3400 to 3410 MHz
ComReg is not prepared to grant facilities to
experimenters in this band.
Automated Stations
Licences will issue shortly for repeaters on the basis
of the call sign formats set out in ComReg document
08/58R of 6 October. This is available on the ComReg
website at www.comreg.ie
Consideration is being given to leaving the call signs
of the beacon stations as they are at present.
The society would like to thank the officials in ComReg
Licensing Operations for their constructive approach to
this meeting which resulted in significant progress on
a range of issues of interest to experimenters
I personally would like to thank the IRTS and ComReg for having this
significant meeting, as always the IRTS gives the likes of me, an experimenter, a strong voice in the Amateur Radio community.
Thanks Gentlemen,
EI5IX - Pat
21 Feb 2009
Dxqsl.net Up and Running:
I stumbled upon this bit of news on eham, Check it out!!!
We would like to have hams joining our site www.dxqsl.net in order to further promote the ham radio hobby in our part of the world and to educate many new hams, the site is very friendly and progressing very well.
Update 21/02/09
Hey All,
Ok I know it's a bit late the update an all that but I was away in the UK up till now anyway here we are!!! Enjoy
Before I start anybody come across this advert on TV yet???
Its Brilliant,
Amateur Radio and Hillwalking
Those who want to combine amateur radio with
hillwalking can get involved in the Summits On The Air
("SOTA") programme. SOTA is a bit like IOTA, with hills
and mountains replacing islands. It is designed to
encourage portable operation in mountainous areas, and
there are awards for activators, who ascend to the
summits, and chasers, who either operate from home, a
local hilltop or are activators on other summits.
More than 20 countries are currently involved in the
SOTA programme, including Ireland - North and South.
There are 387 eligible summits in EI (of which more
than 50 have been activated) and 66 eligible summits in
GI (of which 36 have been activated). More details,
including a list of eligible summits and a lot more,
can be found at www.qsl.net/sotaei and at
With a view to encouraging more SOTA activity, an
International SOTA Weekend is to be held on Saturday
2nd and Sunday 3rd May 2009. It is hoped that this
event will see many summit-to-summit contacts
between different SOTA associations, and give
chasers the chance to work activators from several
different DXCC entities.
Dave EI3IO Joins IARU Committee
We are glad to let you know that Dave Court EI3IO has
been invited to join the IARU Region 1 External
Relations Committee as an expert adviser. The External
Relations Committee is a very important body as it is
the IARU Region 1 interface with the CEPT and other
radio regulatory bodies on matters of importance to the
interests of the amateur service such as spectrum
requirements and licensing.
As many of you will be aware Dave has extensive
experience in these and a wide range of other areas
having held quite a number of key positions in spectrum
management including Director of the European
Radio communicarions Office (ERO).
We know that Dave's experience and advice will be of
great assistance to furthering the work of the External
Relations Committee in Region 1 of the IARU.
Galway Radio Experimenters Club
The Galway Radio Experimenters Club here in the west of Ireland will be operating a
portable station from Inis Mor on the Arann Islands off the West coast for
the duration of ST. Patrick’s day.
Using the callsign EJ4GRC, they will be operating on
all bands and modes and a commemorative QSL card will
be sent to all stations worked, and also to any SWL's
that hear our station and request a card.
This is the first outing by GREC to the Arann Islands
but may not be the last so listen out on St. Patricks
day and seize the opportunity to aquire a QSL card from
the first ever trip to Arann..Who knows it may be a
collectors item some day!!
Radio Rallys
Rallies during March include the Radio Hobbies and
Electronics Fair in the Limerick Radisson SAS Hotel on
Sunday 8th March, The Lagan Valley Amateur Radio
Society Rally in Hillsborough, Co. Down on Saturday
14th March and the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Rally
in Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh on Sunday 29th March.
The big event in April is the IRTS AGM Weekend, on
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April. This takes place
in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. Weekend events
include the IRTS Annual Dinner, a Radio Rally and the
IRTS Annual General Meeting.
More details of these events will be given in later
bulletins, and are also available on the IRTS web site
at www.irts.ie/rallies
Thanks to the IRTS for the info.
EME Contact Could Be A World Record
Andy Kissack, GD0TEP reports on a 4-metre EME contact which, he says, could prove to be a world record.
Andy says:
"This morning at 01:35 ZS6WAB and myself completed the world's first 4m EME contact on JT65a.
"Willem and myself tried EME on 4m on Friday night, but my station suffered problems with the masthead relay on the receive side and we didn't complete.
"This morning, Willem and I started at 00:38 and I didn't receive a thing until almost an hour later. With my moon at SIX degrees, Willem's signal was decoded with me and we quickly completed.
"I will create a page on my web site with screen shots on Sunday.
"I think this is a world first for 4m. (unless some else knows better?)"
New Amateur Radio CubeSats
Four new Amateur Radio CubeSats could be launched soon from the Indian ISRO Satish Dhawan Space Centre.
On the AMSAT Bulletin Board Mineo JE9PEL posted this information:
Launch: 25 April 2009 (Maybe postponed)
Vehicle: PSLV C12
Site : ISRO Satish Dhawan Space Centre Sriharikota India
Main Payload: Oceansat-2
Satellite Country Downlink Mode
----------- ---------- -------- ------------------
BeeSat Germany 436.000 GMSK 9600/4800bps
UWE-2 Germany 437.385 CW, AFSK
ITU-pSat Turkey 437.325 CW, High speed TLM
SwissCube-1 Switzerland 437.505 CW, AFSK 1200bps
----------- ----------- ------- ------------------
Thanks to Ralph Wallio, W0RPK
JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita
Indian Space Research Organistion (ISRO)
ARRL International CW DX Contest
This weekend of February 21-22 will be a busy one for CW operators as the 2009 ARRL International CW DX Contest takes center stage.
First started in 1929 as the ARRL International Relay Party, the ARRL DX CW Contest is the longest running contest in Amateur Radio. Stations from all around the world - from Australia to Zimbabwe - should be active for this great event that takes place on 160-10 meters (no contest QSOs are permitted on 12, 17, 30 or 60 meters).
Stations in the US and Canada work only DX stations (Alaska and Hawaii are considered DX for this contest), and DX stations only work the US and Canada. DX stations will be trying to make as many QSOs with all US states and Canadian provinces as they can.
The contest exchange is simple - US and Canadian stations send a signal report and their state or province, while DX stations send a signal report and the amount of power with which they are transmitting.
"If you've never operated a CW contest, now is the time to start," said ARRL Contest Branch Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X. "You can work a lot of DX with just 100 W and a simple dipole or vertical antenna. If your CW is a little rusty, this event is a great way to get your CW skills back up to snuff and get some new DX countries into your bag. If you live in one of the rarer states, such as Delaware, North Dakota, West Virginia or Wyoming, DX stations from all around the world will be looking for you. This is your opportunity to 'be the rare one!'"
After the contest is over and you've had your fill of DX, Kutzko advises that you make sure to submit your QSOs to Logbook of The World (LoTW). "You can get a lot of your DX QSOs confirmed with little effort, and the instant gratification of having those QSOs count toward your DXCC totals just can't be beat."
The ARRL International CW DX Contest runs from 0000 UTC Saturday, February 21 through 2359 UTC Sunday, February 22, 2009. Complete rules and forms can be found on the ARRL Contest Web site.
Electronic logs should be e-mailed DXCW@arrl.org paper logs can be sent to ARRL DX CW Contest, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.
Logs sent via postal mail must be postmarked no later than 2359 UTC Monday, March 23, 2009.
9 Feb 2009
UPDATE 09/02/09
ZS8T Marion Island · Bogus spots
Rhynhardt Louw, ZS6DXB, the ZS8T Press Officer, reports
that all dx posts posted on February 2 are 100% bogus.
Petrus wasn’t operating that day at all.
We would also like to inform the Ham Radio Community
that 14.300.00 is not ZS8T’s operating frequency and
that Petrus will tune any other legal clean frequency
to operate on 20m.
The Worldwide Antarctic Program's (WAP) 6th Antarctic
Activity Week (AAW) will take place between 0000z,
February 16th and 2400z, February 22nd. For details,
see: http://www.waponline.it
This week in History
1881 Edison patents his incandescent lamp.
1910 First radio message is sent from an aircraft in
flight, NY.
1926 Baird displays his first television images.
Radio Rallies
15th February 2009 Coolmine Radio Rally,
The Coolmine Radio Rally, run by the Phoenix Radio Club
will be held in the Coolmine Community School,
Clonsilla Dublin 15 on Sunday 15th February 2009,Doors
open 9.30 am.
The Coolmine Committee welcome all visitors to bring
their items for sale as there will be table available
for bring and buy. This makes for great interest and
perhaps bargains for those wanting to buy and a good
opportunity for those wanting to sell unwanted gear.
Table bookings and information please contact Tony
087-2439997 or Tom 01-8211043 See map on
Radio, Electronics & Hobbies Fair
The Radio, Electronics & Hobbies Fair takes place on
8th March 2009 at the Radisson SAS Hotel, Ennis Road,
Limerick. Doors Open at 11:00 AM. Admission €5. There
will be the usual traders attending the Fair. A Bring &
Buy Sale will also take place.
Tables for the Bring & Buy Sale can be reserved by
contacting ei4lrc@eircom.net. The cost per table is
€10.The Club will have its own stand at the Bring & Buy
Sale. Members willing to donate items of equipment etc
for sale on the stand should contact any member of the
committee prior to the event. The usual raffle with
excellent prizes will also be held.
Other Rallies during March include The Lagan Valley
Amateur Radio Society Rally in Hillsborough, Co. Down
on Saturday 14th March and the Lough Erne Amateur
Radio Club Rally in Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh on Sunday
29th March.
The big event in April is the IRTS AGM Weekend, on
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April. This takes place
in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. Weekend events
include the IRTS Annual Dinner, a Radio Rally and the
IRTS Annual General Meeting.
More details of these events will be given later,
Information is also available on the IRTS web site
at www.irts.ie/rallies
Save the Date: ARRL National Convention to be Held at 2009 Dayton Hamvention
The ARRL National Convention will be held at the Dayton Hamvention May 15-17 at Hara Arena. According to ARRL Sales and Marketing Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, the ARRL National Convention will be filled with activities and exhibits. "Our host organization, the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, has three big days planned, chock-full of every bit of Amateur Radio you can think of," Inderbitzen said. "ARRL volunteers from across its 15 National Divisions will be present, alongside thousands of out-of-towners who will make Dayton their home-away-from-home during the event. The centerpiece of ARRL's convention planning is ARRL EXPO -- a huge showcase of ARRL program representatives and activities. Many new exhibits are being planned, with special focus on operating and project-building." A preview of what is planned for ARRL EXPO can be found at the ARRL EXPO Web site. [Source: PlanetHam.org / 02-07]8 Feb 2009
Included in the new offerings is a CW-only allocation of 490 to 510 kHz on a secondary basis with a maximum power of 100 Watts PEP. On the 160 meter band from 1.850 to 2.0 MHz, regulators indicate they intend to allow 10 Watts average power of instead of the current 10 Watts PEP.
The frequency segment from 5.260 to 5.410 MHz will be opened to all Norwegian radio amateurs on a secondary basis, with a maximum power of 100 Watts PEP.
The 12m band will be extended by 150 kHz and allocated from 24.740 to 24.990 MHz with a maximum power of 1000 watts.
Lastly, part of the European 70 MHz band will also be added to spectrum available to Norwegian hams. The Norwegian Radio Relay League says that the new amateur radio rules permitting access to these frequencies are expected to take effect sometime this spring. (DXNL)
7 Feb 2009
Comet Loses Its Tail
Comet Lulin (C/2007 N3) is approaching Earth and putting on a good show for amateur astronomers.
On Wednesday, February 4th, observers witnessed a 'disconnection event.' A gust of solar wind tore off part of the comet's tail in plain view of backyard telescopes. Photos of the event are featured on today's edition of http://spaceweather.com.
Activity in the comet's tail and atmosphere will become even easier to see in the weeks ahead as Lulin nears closest approach on February 24th. At that time the comet will lie only 38 million miles from Earth and it should be visible to the naked eye.
In the meantime, please note that February 5th-7th, is an especially good time to find Comet Lulin in the pre-dawn sky. The comet is gliding beautifully close to the naked-eye double star Zubenelgenubi. Just point your binoculars at the double star and the comet will materialize right beside it.
Visit http://spaceweather.com for photos, sky maps and more information.
DX News from the ARRL
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by NC1L, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
EAST MALAYSIA, 9M6. John, 9M6XRO and Steve, 9M6DXX will be QRV from Sabah, IOTA OC-088, from February 7 to 10. Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL both calls via M0URX.
ANDORRA, C3. Finn, OV8FM and Martin, 5P1M will be QRV as C3/OV8FM and C3/5P1M, respectively, from February 10 to 13. Activity will be on 40 and 20 meters using SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK. QSL via OV1A.
ENGLAND, G. Tim, G4STH and Hazel, G4YLO are QRV using special event callsign GB50BH until March 3 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of the singer Buddy Holly. QSL via G4STH.
DOMINICA, J7. John, K3TEJ will be QRV as J7N from February 11 to 27. Activity will be on 160, 30, 17 and 12 meters using CW and RTTY. This includes entries in the upcoming CQ WW RTTY and ARRL DX CW contests as Single Op/ALL Band entries. QSL to home call.
ST. VINCENT, J8. Nigel, G3TXF is QRV as J88XF from Mayreau Island, IOTA NA-025, one of the smaller Grenadine islands, until February 9. Activity is on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters using only CW. QSL to home call.
DESECHEO ISLAND, KP5. Look for a group of operators to be QRV as K5D from February 12 to 26. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via N2OO.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. Jerry, P29ZAD is QRV from Buka Island, IOTA OC-135. QSL to home call.
SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND, VP8. Lars, VP8DIF ha been QRV on 20 meters using RTTY around 1630 to 1900z. QSL via DJ9ZB.
NICARAGUA, YN. Andrei, NP3D will be QRV as H7/NP3D and YN2/EW1AR from February 11 to 15. This includes activity as YN2S in the upcoming CQ WW RTTY contest. QSL direct to home call.
The following operations are approved for DXCC credit: Bhutan, A5100A, 2008 operation; Afghanistan, T6EE, Additional documentation has been received to include 2006 and 2007 operations. If you had a QSO rejected for these dates send a note to dxccarrl.org to be placed on the list for an update; Republic of the Congo, TN5SN, current operation effective October 2008; Chad, TT8HA, operations for 2007 and 2008; Chad, TT8SK, operations for 2008 and 2009; Albania, ZA/F4DTO, 2008 operation; and Albania, ZA0/I0SNY, ZA0/I8LWK, ZA0/I8YGZ, ZA0/IK2AQZ and ZA0/IK7JWX, operations in 2008.
The Mexico RTTY International Contest, North American CW Sprint, NCCC Sprint, Vermont QSO Party, YL-ISSB CW/RTTY QSO Party, 10-10 International Winter Phone Contest, Black Sea Cup International, World Wide PMC CW Contest, Minnesota QSO Party, FYBO Winter QRP Sprint, British Columbia QSO Challenge, AGCW Straight Key Party, Delaware QSO Party and the New Mexico QSO Party will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend.
The ARRL School Club Roundup runs from February 9 to 13. The NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint and RSGB 80-Meter Club Data Championship are both scheduled for February 11.
Pleased see February QST, page 82 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.
5 Feb 2009
Update 05/02/09
C3 Mini DXpedition
Finn, OV8FM and Martin, 5P1M will be active as C3/OV8FM and C3/5P1M from 10 to 13 February.
They will be active on 20 and 40 metre bands in SSB, SSTV, RTTY and PSK31.
QSL via OV1A
OV1A Jens Petersen
Reerslevvej 67,
DK-2640 Hedehusene
Distress Beacons @ 121.5 & 243 MHz Phased Out
As of February 1, the Cospas-Sarsat (Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking) satellites are no longer monitoring distress beacons at 121.5 and 243 MHz. All mariners, aviators and individuals who use emergency beacons on those frequencies will need to switch to the newer, digital 406 MHz frequency if they want to be detected by the monitoring satellites. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claims that in 2008, beacons monitored by the Cospas-Sarsat worldwide system were responsible for almost 300 lives saved, including 203 people rescued in 65 in at-sea incidents and 12 people rescued in 7 aviation incidents.
For More Info check: http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2009/02/02/10606/
Nauru DXpedition
Dani, EA4ATI, who is currently active as 9M2TI from Malaysia, is preparing for a DXpedition (with a team of operators) to activate Nauru in the Pacific sometime in May. The callsign will be C21TI.
Travelling through Australia to get to Nauru, tentative dates will be either from May 3-17th (after the cyclone season) or May 16-30th. Dani states, "I am preparing the logistics with a friend from Nauru that I met in Malaysia during a ITU workshop last November, but we will probably stay in the Od'N Aiwo Hotel."
This is the same location that previous DXpeditions to Nauru have used (such as C21BH, C21SX, C21XF, etc).
The composition of the team is not finished yet, but Dani is looking for CW, SSB and RTTY operators. Ruben, C21RK, was mentioned as part of the team.
Activity will be on all HF bands including 60m and 6m.
The suggested frequencies mentioned (as of now) are:
CW - 1825.5, 3505, 7005, 10110, 14025, 18075, 21025, 24895 and 28025
SSB - 1825.5, 3799, 5371.5, 7065, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz
6m - 50.115 MHz (CW/SSB)
They currently have two transceivers with HF amplifiers and will use a yagi beam antenna for 20/15/10 meters and several dipole antennas (they are looking for additional antennas). Dani mentions that they will have a satphone for data connection. QSL will be via EA4ATI.
A Web page has been created for the DXpedition (still not finished) at: http://c21ti.madrono.net/index.php?
A study of propagation with a proposed band plan for the DXpedition will be posted on their Web page. This study will be done by the Technical University of Malaysia.
They have not yet estimated a QSO target, but it will not be less than 20,000. The estimated budget for their DXpedition is 14,500 USDs and the team is looking for funding as well as more operators. If interested in helping, see details on the Web page.
Note: You may know Dani, EA4ATI/9M2TI, from the following operations: XT2ATI, XT2TI, HP2PL, Z39A, 6W1EA, 6W1/EA4ATI, HP1/EA4ATI, HI5/EA4ATI, HI3CCP, HI3C, 3XY9B, etc.
Iran Omid Satellite Launch
A video of the launch of the Omid satellite can be seen on YouTube.
It has been reported on the AMSAT Bulletin Board and elsewhere that the satellite may be transmitting on 464.98750 MHz and 465.01250 MHz and Gordon MM3YEQ posted this link to a recording of the sat http://www.gjcp.net/space/2009-0a4-2024.mp3
Omid Keps and Real-Time Satellite Tracking are available on the N2YO website at
View the YouTube video 'Safir-2 rocket. Iran launched the Omid satellite'
Associated Press - 'Iran says it sent own satellite into orbit'
Join the AMSAT Bulletin Board AMSAT-BB at
Plans For UK Satellite Launcher
The BBC reports that Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) and Sir Richard Branson's space travel venture Virgin Galactic want to develop a UK satellite launcher.
Although the United Kingdom is the 5th largest economy in the world it currently lacks its own independent launch facility.
It has been reported that Virgin Galactic have been looking at Moray as a potential UK Spaceport.
According to news reports the system would be capable of launching satellites into a 400 km orbit. This is slightly higher than the International Space Station and satellites put into this orbit would have a limited life span before they burn up in the atmosphere (The ISS has its orbit periodically boosted to prevent re-entry).
The low orbit is not, however, an obstacle to commercial success since many satellite missions are designed for a short life-time, less than a couple of years.
BBC News - 'Plans for UK satellite launcher'
The Telegraph - 'Virgin Galactic: Two British firms look at developing space rocket'
Virgin Galactic eye up Moray for spaceport
Virgin Galactic
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)
Alinco Announce 144/430/1240 MHz Handheld
Alinco have announced a new FM Full-Duplex handheld for the Amateur Radio 2 metre, 70cm and 23cm bands.
The new Tri-band handheld puts out 5 watts on 144, 4.5 watts on 430 and 1 watt on 1240 MHz.
It's dimension are 61 (W) x 106 (H) x 38 (D) mm and it weighs 296g
The Alinco announcement with picture can be seen with a Google English translation at http://tinyurl.com/cs99nj
or in the original Japanese at http://www.alinco.co.jp/denshi/03/djg7_f4.html
4 Feb 2009
3 Feb 2009
Update - 03-02-09
Ok here is some updates!!!
Enjoy :)
Listen for new Sats using web receiver
You can listen for the five new Amateur Radio
satellites, launched Friday Jan 23rd by using a Web
based Software Defined Radio (SDR).
Some of the Radio Amateurs who were involved in the
very successful Delfi-C3 / DO-64 Amateur Radio
satellite have made available a WebSDR receiver that
listeners around the world can use to receive signals
from the new Amateur Radio satellites.
The URL of the receiver is http://websdr.pa3weg.nl/
Radio Rallies:
Rep Of Ireland & Northern Ireland
15th February 2009 Coolmine Radio Rally,
The Coolmine Radio Rally, run by the Phoenix Radio Club
will be held in the Coolmine Community School,
Clonsilla Dublin 15 on Sunday 15th February 2009,Doors
open 9.30 am
Table bookings and information please contact Tony
087-2439997 or Tom 01-8211043 See map on
Radio, Electronics & Hobbies Fair
The Radio, Electronics & Hobbies Fair takes place on
8th March 2009 at the Radisson SAS Hotel, Ennis Road,
Limerick. Doors Open at 11:00 AM. Admission €5. There
will be the usual traders attending the Fair. A Bring &
Buy Sale will also take place. Tables for the Bring &
Buy Sale can be reserved by contacting
ei4lrc /at/ eircom.net.
The cost per table is €10.The Club will have its own
stand at the Bring & Buy Sale. Members willing to
donate items of equipment etc for sale on the stand
should contact any member of the committee prior to
the event. The usual raffle with excellent prizes will
also be held.
Saturday 14th March 2009
Lagan Vally ARS Rally in the Village Centre, 7
Ballynahinch Road Hillsborough, Co. Down Doors open
11:30 a.m. Information:Jim Henry, GI0DVU Telephone 048
9266 2270 gi0dvu.co.uk/lisburnrally.aspx
Sunday 29th March 2009
Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally at The Share
Centre, Lisnaskea Co. Fermanagh Doors open 12 noon
Bring and Buy, Food, on-site parking Access from Lough
Erne/Shannon Waterway Details: Ian 02866-326693. EMail:
Gibbjgbb /at/ aol.com www.lougherneradioclub.co.uk
Evening Rally 3rd April 2009-01-26
The Church Island Radio Group’s Rally is scheduled to
take place at the club QTH in The Parochial Community
Hall, Bellaghy, Co.Derry. FROM 8-10PM on Fri 3rd April
2009. more info available at our web site
The big event in April is the IRTS AGM Weekend, on
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April. This takes place
in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. Weekend events
include the IRTS Annual Dinner, a Radio Rally and the
IRTS Annual General Meeting.
More details of these events will be given in later
bulletins, and are also available on the IRTS web site
at www.irts.ie/rallies
During the weekend of 23-25 January, EI100CQD was
active from the Vintage Radio Museum in Howth to
commemorate the centenary of the first use of wireless
telegraphy to send a distress message at sea.
On 23 January 1909, the RMS Republic was severely
damaged when rammed by the SS Florida off Cape Cod in
Massachusetts. The Republic eventually sank, but not
before its 1600 passengers and 300 crewmembers were
firstly transferred to the Florida and from there to
the SS Baltic, which eventually arrived at the scene as
a result of the distress call.
Jack Binns was the radio operator aboard the Republic
and, despite the radio room being damaged and being
exposed to the elements, he managed to patch up the
equipment and continue to transmit for almost two days
summoning help and guiding rescue ships to the scene.
The Baltic was the first vessel on the scene having
searched in the dense fog for over 12 hours.
CQD was the international distress call used at that
time. To commemorate the event, EI100CQD took part in
the celebrations, along with other stations around
the world.
As was considered fitting, CW was the preferred mode of
operation. However, on Sunday, the station was also QRV
on phone listening for EIs on 2 and 40 metres. Forty
was almost unusable for EI but several QSOs were
completed on 2 metres.
Tony (EI5EM) was interviewed about the event for
Seascapes on RTE1 radio and the programme was
transmitted on the date of the centenary. A podcast of
the programme is available on the RTE web site.
There is also a clip on youtube.com that can be found
by searching youtube for EI100cqd.
For more details on the disaster, see www.jackbinns.org
40 Years of the Radio News
In 1968, the IRTS approached the Department of Posts
and Telegraphs for permission to transmit a weekly news
bulletin of general interest to radio experimenters and
amateurs. The 19th of January this year saw the 40th
anniversary of the commencement of these news
transmissions. The Radio News has been kept going over
the past 40 years without interruption even during the
occasional postal strike when the typed news scripts
were delivered by hand to the small number of
newsreaders involved.
Initially the news was read at 1200 local each Sunday
on 3560 kHz AM by either the late Bill Mc Ilwaine EI9F
from Dublin or the late Pat Conway EI3Z from Athlone.
This was followed at 1230 by an SSB transmission read
by Jim EI2BB. The news was also transmitted on 2 metres
from Navan read by the late Shane Mc Namee EI2A.
Over the years the news service has expanded and today,
in addition to the news on HF, regional news bulletins
are transmitted on 2 metres FM from different locations
throughout the country. On this 40th anniversary of the
radio news service it is good to give a moments thought
and to pay tribute to those who have kept the service
in operation over those 40 years both scriptwriters and
newsreaders alike.
50MHz Now available in Sweden
Swedish Radio Amateurs now have access to the 50-52 MHz band with a power output limit of 200 watts and will get access to 7.1-7.2 MHz with 1 kW output from 1st April.
Previously access to 50 MHz had been by special permit only.
Although the power limit is currently 200 watts output the Swedish National Society website says that work is ongoing between the SSA and the PTS in order to get this changed to 1 kW output.
Föreningen Sveriges Sändareamatörer (SSA)
Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS)
Bushfires - VK Hams provide communications
The Australian Red Cross communications arm RECOM, run by radio amateurs, is providing vital support as bushfires continue in the Gippsland region of eastern Victoria (Australia).
Two RECOM units were activated on Thursday 29 January to provide communications at the Mirboo North and Churchill relief centres as hundreds of people were forced by the fires to leave their homes or unable to reach them.
More than 600 evacuees or displaced people have been registered by the RECOM units with that information being transmitted by digitally encrypted HF radio back to the Red Cross State Inquiry Centre in Melbourne.
The fires occurred during a once-in-a-century record three days heat-wave with temperatures topping 43 degrees Celscuis (109 Fahrenheit). Some 30 homes have been destroyed.
RECOM has advised Amateur Radio Victoria that its members involved are Bruce VK3BNK, Graeme VK3BXG, Peter VK3AUO, Donald VK3BPD, John VK3BQS, Warren VK3XSW, Graham VK3GBJ and John VK3ATQ.
Amateur Radio Victoria
Chatham Island Activation
A team of nine ZL operators will be activating Chatham Island (OC-038) from March 6-11th.
The team leaders are Lee ZL2AL and Morrie ZL2AAA.
The rest of the team will be Lee ZL2LE, John ZL1BYZ, Mike ZL2CC, Phil ZL2RVW, Mark ZL3AB, Wayne ZL2WG and John ZL1ALZ. The Pilot will be Duncan ZL3JT in Christchurch zl3jt@paradise. net.nz.
The team will be hosted at the Chatham Fishing Lodge in the fishing village of Kaiangaroa on the north eastern tip of the Chatham Islands.
The ICOM four station setup with amplifiers will operate 160-10m with CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK modes. Wire loops will be used on 80m and 40m, a vertical on 30m and Yagis on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m.
We also will try 160m alternating with the 80m station from time to time. Frequencies will be in the usual SSB and CW DX haunts on each band with SSB split up 5 kHz and CW split up 3 kHz. The callsign will be announced at the beginning of the operation on March 6th.
The website will be up and running in a few weeks at: www.zl7t.com/. Logsearch will be available on the team's return. QSL via bureau or direct to ZL2AL CBA or QRZ.com.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW in approximately 6 months and they will also QSL via the bureau.
Marion Island, ZS8
Petrus, ZS8T, showed-up on 20 meters last weekend for
a few QSOs.
According to Rhynhardt, ZS6DXB, ZS8T Press Officer,
"the ZS8T license has expired on the 31st of December 2008 with an expiry window period up and until 31 January 2009.
"Renewal and payment of the existing license has been made and Petrus, ZS8T, is licensed to operate from Marion
Island up and until December 2009. All contacts made to date with the ZS8T callsign are legitimate and legal.
The team is currently awaiting the paper copy off the new license that only expires in December 2009 Petrus can
remain active with ZS8T for the remainder of his stay on Marion Island."
Petrus, ZS8T, has unveiled some more details about his operation from Marion Island in an interview which has been available this past week thanks to the South Africa Amateur Radio League (SARL). He states that he will be there three months before leaving and plans to be active as much as
he can during this time.
To listen to the complete interview and see the latest pictures from Petrus, go to:
For updates and official announcement of ZS8T operation, please visit the official ZS8T Web site at: http://zs8t.net
Icom Announce New D-Star Radios
Two new D-STAR radios are expected to be released in Japan soon.
The website of ICOM Japan says that both D-STAR radios will cover the 144/430MHz bands and be available in the next few months.
The ID-80 is a 5 watt handheld transceiver and the
ID-880D a 50 watt mobile.
Gavin Nesbitt, M1BXF
CRG Technical Coordinator
Live Real Time Satellite Tracking
I have been searching around the internet lately and I came across this very useful site for those of you that don’t have satellite tracking software.
The site shows real time satellite tracking for a range of satellites. The ISS is the default satellite tracked on the homepage and it gives you useful information such as speed, altitude, elevation and azimuth position as well as the current longitudes and latitude. The site automatically works out your location from your computer’s IP address, you can also choose to add the satellites footprint and direction line
At the top of the page you can find menus for most popular, most tracked and latest launches. If you click on All Categories you’ll find a list of satellites listed which includes Amateur Radio and Weather satellites. Click on the type of satellite you are looking for and you’ll find a list of information including launch dates and the options to either ‘Track it’ or ‘Passes.’ If you choose ‘track it’ it will show you the satellites current position on Google Maps. If you choose ‘passes’ you will get a list of all predicted satellite passes over your home location for the next 5 days.The site is well worth checking out. I have a version attached to this page over here to the right but I will be giving it a more thorough test drive over the next few days to see how accurate it is, however it looks promising so far.