8 Feb 2009


Some new amateur radio allocations may soon be available in Norway. A report of the Norwegian amateur radio society the Norwegian Radio Relay League says that it was successful in persuading the nation’s licensing authority to add new bands to the amateur radio band plan.

Included in the new offerings is a CW-only allocation of 490 to 510 kHz on a secondary basis with a maximum power of 100 Watts PEP. On the 160 meter band from 1.850 to 2.0 MHz, regulators indicate they intend to allow 10 Watts average power of instead of the current 10 Watts PEP.

The frequency segment from 5.260 to 5.410 MHz will be opened to all Norwegian radio amateurs on a secondary basis, with a maximum power of 100 Watts PEP.

The 12m band will be extended by 150 kHz and allocated from 24.740 to 24.990 MHz with a maximum power of 1000 watts.

Lastly, part of the European 70 MHz band will also be added to spectrum available to Norwegian hams. The Norwegian Radio Relay League says that the new amateur radio rules permitting access to these frequencies are expected to take effect sometime this spring. (DXNL)

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